
Hands-on, real scenarios

All lecturers and instructors have extensive experience in responding to major shipping casualties. The course has a high level of practical content; from the use of a simulator during a refloating scenario to a media response exercise involving experienced, international journalists. Making scenarios as realistic as possible is key. You could find yourself negotiating a claim’s settlement, or you are a salvor trying to convince an owner of the best way forward if their ship is to be saved, or you could be a CEO facing a barrage of questions from journalists keen to get an exciting headline. The course is designed to be interactive and for sure, sometimes, you may be out of your comfort zone.

Tuesday 12 November 2024

  • 08:30
  • 08:45
    Welcome & introduction
    Mr. Richard Janssen Managing Director, SMIT Salvage
  • 08:55
    Introduction delegates and SMIT team
    Mr. Dave Wisse Sr. Commercial Manager, SMIT Salvage
  • 09:25
    Marine casualties and salvage operations + Marine insurance and salvage
    Mr. Niels de Goffau Commercial Manager, SMIT Salvage
    Mr. Tristan van Herwaarden Legal Counsel,
  • 10:30
    Coffee break
  • 10:45
    Salvage law and contracts – Overview and examples
    Mr. Dave Wisse Sr. Commercial Manager, SMIT Salvage
    Ms. Céline Peek Sr. Legal Counsel, SMIT Salvage
  • 12:30
    Lunch and group photo
  • 13:30
    Travel to Vlaardingen, SMIT Emergency Response Centre
  • 14:30
    Role of the government in Maritime incidents
    Mr. Wiljan Meijvogel Projectmanager and senior Advisor, Rijkswaterstaat
    Ms. Monica Le Sage Legal counsel, Rijkswaterstaat
  • 15:30
    Refreshments and putting on safety gear
  • 15:45
    The Salvor’s Role
    Mr. Paul van 't Hof Operations Manager, SMIT Salvage
  • 16:45
    Warehouse tour
  • 17:30
    Evening program
  • 21:30
    End of evening program

Wednesday 13 November 2024

  • 08:45
  • 09:00
    Recent salvage case study – practical and commercial aspects
    Mr. Dave Wisse Sr. Commercial Manager, SMIT Salvage
    Mr. Robert van Heijst , SMIT Salvage
  • 09:45
    Who’s paying the (Salvage) bill?
    Mr. Arjan Herrebout Senior expert and Consultant, Marinsal Consultants
  • 10:45
    Coffee break
  • 11:00
    LOF, Special Compensation and SCOPIC – In-depth study
    Mr. Tom Walters Partner, HFW
    Mr. Henry Clack Associate, HFW
  • 12:30
  • 13:30
    Overview Salvage Convention Article 13 and assessing the salvage award
    Ms. Marjan Schuringa Claims and Handling Manager, SMIT Salvage
  • 14:30
    Cargo perspective + Introduction case study
    Mr. Victor Fenwick Legal Director, HFW
  • 15:00
  • 15:15
    Case study ”MASS FEEDER” - Settlement negotiations!
    Ms. Marjan Schuringa Claims and Handling Manager, SMIT Salvage
    Mr. Tom Walters Partner, HFW
    Mr. Henry Clack Associate, HFW
    Mr. Victor Fenwick Legal Director, HFW
  • 18:30
    Evening program (optional)
  • 21:00
    End of evening program

Thursday 14 November 2024

  • 08:45
  • 09:00
    Working together in stressful environment
    Mr. Pieter Kuzee SHE-Q manager, SMIT Salvage
  • 09:30
    Intro virtual reality exercise - pre- scenario
    and dividing groups
    Mr. Captain Tim Lodder Learning Consultant , Blue Orange Wave
  • 09:45
    Coffee break
  • 10:00
    Virtual Reality crisis exercise – Role play
    Mr. Captain Tim Lodder Learning Consultant , Blue Orange Wave
  • 11:30
    Virtual Reality crisis exercise – Evaluation
    Mr. Captain Tim Lodder Learning Consultant , Blue Orange Wave
  • 12:00
  • 13:00
    Media Response Training – Introduction
    Mr. Dustin Eno Managing Director, Navigate Response
    Mr. Kyle Fawkes Crisis Response Manager, Navigate Response
  • 15:15
  • 15:30
    Media Response Training – Interviews
    Mr. Dustin Eno Managing Director, Navigate Response
    Mr. Kyle Fawkes Crisis Response Manager, Navigate Response
  • 17:30
    Evening program
  • 21:30
    End of evening program

Friday 15 November 2024

  • 08:30
  • 08:45
    Media Response Training – Exercise
    Mr. Dustin Eno Managing Director, Navigate Response
    Mr. Kyle Fawkes Crisis Response Manager, Navigate Response
  • 11:00
    Coffee break
  • 11:15
    Press Conference and evaluation
    Mr. Dustin Eno Managing Director, Navigate Response
    Mr. Kyle Fawkes Crisis Response Manager, Navigate Response
  • 12:00
    Presentation of Certificates
  • 12:45
    Farewell lunch
  • 13:30
    End of MME course
    Taxi's will be arranged